Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Treat the people with ease..."

Amazing how the same book of hadiith has so many violent verses, but also stuff like this:

Al Bukhaari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 275:

Narrated Abu Burda:

That his father said, "The Prophet sent Mu'adh and Abu Musa to Yemen telling them. 'Treat the people with ease and don't be hard on them; give them glad tidings and don't fill them with aversion; and love each other, and don't differ."

But just a few hadiith earlier you find this:

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 254:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "Allah wonders at those people who will enter Paradise in chains."

1 comment:

SocietyVs said...

I think there is a lot of mixed messages within Islam's cultures and traditions (and the Quran) - it's a matter of them deciding what side is more appropriate to listen to. It's really a vicious conundrum since they 'cannot change the word of Allah' as they have it.