Wednesday, November 14, 2007

David Hart: God is infinitely determinate?

So I am half way done with Beauty of the Infinite and it has been an enjoyable if not leisurely read so far. But here is a question for my brainier readers: He keeps saying that God is "infinitely determinate." What does that mean?

If the answer is long then just e-mail me at:
a+ safe-mail
d0+ net


The Last Ephor said...

I'm not sure I understand it correctly but I believe it has to do with the infinite nature of God and the determinate nature of Jesus. That is, Christians can recognize the infinite God by his earthly incarnation. We are not removed from Him but rather connected to him by His earthly presence. More found in a similar vein here:

Abu Daoud said...

Thank you Duffy, that is quite helpful and it makes sense.