Friday, November 02, 2007

Christianity growing in North Korea

Came as a surprise to me! From HERE:

NORTH KOREA: Great Persecution and Great Perseverance for Christians
Estimates say that one in five Christians in North Korea is in a prison camp, and that as many as four hundred Christians are executed in a year. Despite these statistics, God is growing his Church in this land. In 1989 there were an estimated eleven thousand Christians in the country. By 2004 this number had risen to as many as 100,000. By 2006 the estimate was somewhere between 200,000 and 400,000 Christians. For many of these Christians, five principles of faith are daily recited: (1) our persecution and suffering are our joy and honor, (2) we want to accept ridicule, scorn and disadvantages with joy in Jesus’ name, (3) as Christians, we want to wipe others’ tears away and comfort the suffering, (4) we want to be ready to risk our life because of our love for our neighbor, so that they also become Christians and (5) we want to live our lives according to the standards set in God’s Word. (Barnabas Fund)

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