Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Disaster that is the The Episcopal Church

The best summary that I have read to date on the disaster that is the The Episcopal Church, of which my family and I are still members technically. Though, I am working on changing that, God willing, to the Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East (ECJME), which is still part of the Anglican Communion but is not TEC and does not share the bizarre, heretical doctrines of that atrophying, diseased carcass called TEC.

Does ECJME have problems? Yep, lots. All sorts of political infighting (hey, it's the Middle East) and TEC had $ and therefore influence in ECJME, but the point it is that is a much better Province for us.

Anyway, read about the amazing imploding church that is TEC.


BillyHW said...

Though, I am working on changing that, God willing, to the Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East (ECJME)

Why don't you just become Catholic already?

Abu Daoud said...

Hi Billy,

Several reasons, but the main practical one is that I'm neither a monk nor a priest. I'm a lay missioner, and the Catholic church does not recognize or financially support such a charism/vocation.


Anonymous said...

It is very difficult to be a Catholic missionary if you're not a religious, isn't it? We really need to fix that. ;)

There are several former Episcopalians who attend the Catholic chapel on my campus. The problems within the Episcopal Church were the main reason for their conversion, I think. They went to pretty "Catholic" Episcopal churches and just couldn't stand how the Episcopal Church was allowing rather than opposing things like abortion, female priests, and openly gay bishops. You guys are having a really rough time of it right now. I'll pray for you.