Monday, August 25, 2008

Rahner on Truth; what I'm reading

Hence truth is first the truth which we do, the deed in which we firmly posit ourself for ourself and for others, the deed which waits to see how it will be received. This helps us understand that the process of self-communication, insofar as constitutes itself as origin, history, and offer, shows itself as truth.

The Trinity, p. 96
Karl Rahner, trans. by Joseph Donceel
Kent: Burns & Oates 1970

Rahner's book is getting increasingly difficult to understand, but here is a good insight (if I in fact understand him), which seeks to relate truth not simply to understanding things as they really are, but rather to make it personal. Because he sees truth as personal and thus "waiting to see how it will be received" a very close tie is formed between Creation and revelation, or I think one could say that they actually become synonymous in Rahner.

Am also reading the splendid "Eschatology" by Ratzinger, finisied Words and Images by EL Mascal, and re-red the last section of Symbol and Sacrament by Chauvet to refresh my mind on his Trinitarian-Heidegerian theology of sacramental grace. Good times.

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