Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Eastern Orthodoxy: Part IX

by Frederica Mathewes-Green:

What do you personally find the most challenging about Orthodoxy?

I keep finding that I have so much further to go. Well, to step back, the most challenging thing about Orthodoxy is that it dumps you right out at the place where it's you and Jesus and nowhere to hide. You have to deal with him. No excuses, no lies -- lies come from the evil one. As I continue to use the "workout routine" of the spiritual disciplines, I continue to discover that I am still lying to myself about so many things, I am still afraid, I am still lonely, and stubbornly choosing lonely freedom over loved humility. It's an endless struggle. I have been practicing the Jesus Prayer for twelve years, and I am still so far from "pray constantly." It's not a matter of feeling guilty, but more like recognizing that you are still flabby and out of shape and not ready to run the race. Orthodoxy keeps emphasizing God's compassion--that's another thing I noticed early on, that it keeps stressing that God forgives us freely and welcomes us like the father of the Prodigal Son. But I keep holding back. That's the most challenging thing.


Don said...

I remember when she visited my city. I reminisce a little about that here, along with the text of The Life of the Archpriest Avvakum by Himself.

Anonymous said...

What do you personally find the most challenging about Orthodoxy?

Glad You asked: this.