Sunday, December 16, 2012

Excellent new church-planting resource

Well, I'm not doing church-planting in the West, but I must say I am impressed by this website and its content. Check it out and plant a church. Yes, I mean you Catholic and Orthodox readers too!

People of YES!

Also, leave a comment and let me know what you think.

PS: My favorite was this part about church-planting in a context of persecution.


amy said...

Wow ! How encouraging to know there are people in the world unafraid to follow Christ's command. That can only inspire others to do the same..

amy said...

You are probably already familiar with this, but in case not, I believe you would enjoy listening to Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) podcasts as they pertain to the persecuted church:

Abu Daoud said...

Hi Amy,

I am familiar with VOM and I get their emails, but did not know about podcasts. Thank you. And thanks for praying for persecuted Christians all around the world.
