Friday, August 15, 2008

Rahner on the Incarnation

The question is this: is the humanity of the Logos merely something foreign which has been assumed, or is that which precisely comes into being when the Logos ex-presses himself into the non-divine? ...should human nature ultimately be explained through the self-emptying self-utterance of the Logos himself?

The Trinity, p. 31 fn
Karl Rahner, trans. by Joseph Donceel
Kent: Burns & Oates 1970


E. Twist said...

Oh, this is so good. What do you think?

Abu Daoud said...

I know, and it's in #$%^ footnote! Ha!

I think Rahner is quite right. This volume is quite slim, but it is not that hard to get his disappointment with current Trinitarian theology.

What it means, I think, is that the existence of humanity flows from the very ontology of the Logos. He is very much focused on the fact that the second person of the Trinity became incarnate, and suggests that the Father or the Spirit could not have become incarnate, because they are radically different from each other (!).

In the end this all is related to his central thesis that the immanent Trinity IS the economic Trinity. The Trinity acting within Creation and for Creation and relating to us IS en toto the relation of Persons to each other.

What do you think? I'm only like on p. 40 btw.